You can see my 2 front teeth coming in and the one next to it is trying to come out |
It wants to fall out! |
told ya! and below that you can see my new tooth coming in behind my baby tooth (where the drool is... haha) |
Hi everyone! Welcome to Koda II's life. He is our 2nd puppy and we are very excited to have him apart of our life. Our first puppy (Koda I) will always be with us and we still love and miss him everyday! We want to share with everyone the many adventures of our Siberian Husky.
You can see my 2 front teeth coming in and the one next to it is trying to come out |
It wants to fall out! |
told ya! and below that you can see my new tooth coming in behind my baby tooth (where the drool is... haha) |
What a sweety, he's so good to hold still for pictures.