

Friday, March 4, 2011

1st trip to Petsmart

Our little boy was such a good boy today and let me sleep after I got off work this morning. Jeff took him to the park this afternoon and taught him a fun new game... FETCH! He is in love with his tennis ball. All he wants to do is chase his ball, but we are still working on him letting go of the ball. Later on we took him for a nice walk so Jeff could get a couple of things at Home Depot. Well what was right next door but Petsmart... well we just had to go in. Well while walking down the aisle to look for a new chew toy he found a little chew toy of his own. He was sniffing this little green frog. Well it was history from that point on... he has found his new found love! We walked home and all he wanted was his froggie. Froggie has a little squeaker in it and he is actually able to squeak it. For the next hour all he could do was chew it and carry it around the house. At the end of it all it was soooo wet from all of his slobber. Well once he finally calmed down he passed out, which is good cause bright and early tomorrow is puppy class.
He doesn't want to let go of his tennis ball


Koda's paw in Jeff's hand at 9 weeks old
Koda's hand in Taryne's hand at 9 weeks

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