

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I graduated!!!!

Well it's been awhile this blog was updated so here is a recap :) Last week was mothers day and I received my first mothers day card from my parents. It said "Happy Puppy Mommy Day" How stinking cute right?! We went to the park and had a picnic and let Koda run around. He even dug his first hole! This past week he has gotten so snugly and wants to cuddle whenever he gets tired. I'M LOVING IT! Yesterday was Koda's last day of level one training and had to pass a test in order to pass. HE GRADUATED!!!! We were super nervous about him passing the tasks. He had to sit for a stranger approaching him (which he can do no problem), walk past a container of food and leave it alone, and finally go to a mat, lie down and stay while I walk away. He did it so well! After everyone took their test we had some time left over we played puppy jeopardy. There were categories and the task would get harder as points go up. We placed 2nd :) he even learned a new trick... to roll over! We are so proud of our little boy!

Koda's first hole

Koda is trying to stop Kevin's drinking problem ;-P

We're so proud!


  1. Harrrooo Koda! That's a mighty fine lookin' hole there huskerboo! Good job with the graduation too!!


  2. Wow good job Koda! Leloo is super jealous( and her mommy). Keep up the good work.

  3. Koda, You are Beautiful! Great Job Graduating Manners Class! :)


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